Author Archives : Will

How Companies Do Machine Learning

I came across a post from Pinterest’s recent acquisition (hat tip OReilly’s Data Newsletter) and it made me wonder how some of the “cool kids” in e-commerce and other online properties use machine learning.  Surprisingly, it’s kind of scattered and hard to find. Here are just a handful of blog posts and videos I was able […]

Data Blogger: Edwin Chen

I love finding academics and skilled practitioners who take the time to share something they find interesting in data mining and machine learning.  This week, Edwin Chen’s answer on Quora caught my eye. Edwin appears to be currently at DropBox as a Data Scientist and his past companies include Google, Twitter, and a degree from MIT. […]

My Top 5 Reasons to Use WEKA

Reading through the Data Mining: Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques (WEKA) book (also part of the Data Science Reading list), I started wondering who was WEKA really for.  There are a lot of analytics tools and plenty of open-source ones.  So WEKA has to fill a niche somewhere. The WEKA website describes it uses as […]

Universal Analytics Hype: Brand Name for Foreign Keys

Jeez – How is Universal Analytics new? UA = Give everything a foreign key to a user table. Done. via @justincutroni — Will Johnson (@Web_Will) July 3, 2013 A while back, Google announced their Universal Analytics tool – or an extension of their Google Analytics tool.  To much fanfare, the tool is heralded as […]

Not Everyone Needs to Code – But Everyone Needs Stats

Which of these two blocks of text are more important for any marketer or business person to understand?  Block#1 You’ve rented two lists and sent the exact same mail piece to each list.  List A had a response rate of 0.36% and an average order value of $367.  List B had a response rate of […]

Tools for Kids to Learn to Write Code