Yearly Archives: 2016

Clean Code and The Pragmatic Programmer Book Covers

Book Review(s): Writing Quality Code

Summary: Clean Code is a clear guide to writing better software which can be applied to data mining and SQL queries. The Pragmatic Programmer is a more detailed but slightly more antiquated book. Code Complete is a massive tome full of specific guidance.

Get US Census Data with R

Summary: The US Census provides an API that lets you query any of their datasets. Includes population by race, gender, age, and more by zip code, state, congressional district, and a few other geographies.

Select Census Geographies include State, Zip Code, MSPA, Congressional District and More.

Using the caret package in R

Summary: The caret package was developed by Max Kuhn and contains a handful of great functions that help with parameter tuning. Purpose of the caret Package The caret package lets you quickly automate model tuning.  Using a training and holdout sample, the caret package trains a model you provide and returns the optimal model based […]